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Interactive Station Options - Staffed Catering
Chef's Market Cafe & Takeaway

Flower Child Bowl Station

At this station, your guests select from these three tasty and healthy bowls and top them with the choice of grass-fed beef, all-natural chicken, or salmon.
* Mother Earth
Ancient Quinoa
Herb Sweet Potatoes
Roasted Portabella
Broccoli * Pesto 
* Madres Curry
Curry-Infused Rice Noodles Sweet Onion * Heirloom Carrots Green Beans * Fresh Cilantro * Gold Potatoes * Garam Masala * Toasted Coconut
* Forbidden Rice
Brown Rice * Wild Rice * Cous Cous * Quinoa * Bulgar Wheat * Pecans * Currants * Red Bell Pepper * Snow Peas * Sriracha Brussels Sprouts

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